Abortion law in India: A step backward after going forward

In September 2021, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act of 2021 came into force, extending the upper gestational limit for abortion from 20 to 24 weeks. Although the amendment did not recognise abortion on demand as a pregnant person’s right, it was heralded as the next step in making Indian abortion laws more progressive. The recent Court’s decision to refuse an abortion to a woman with postpartum psychosis has undone the progressive strides made in 2021 and 2022. Continue reading

Training Modules on Addressing GBV for Healthcare Providers

Sama has been developing a series of Training Modules for Healthcare Providers in order to increase capacity with information and awareness about gender-based violence, as well as to encourage Healthcare Providers to create enabling environments in health systems for survivors to report violence and seek care and support without any hesitation, apprehension or barriers. Continue reading