Sama’s series on Orientations for Community Based Organisations & Community Health Workers on Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic, through its various phases, has severely impacted communities across the globe. The devastation during its second wave in India was not limited to urban areas, but also deeply experienced in the rural, remote areas. The pandemic has also witnessed the circulation of inaccurate, often misleading information about the spread of Covid-19, its prevention, drugs and diagnostics as well as vaccines and vaccination roll-out. This has contributed to a lot of confusion on a range of aspects of the pandemic and led to hesitancy in accessing vaccination.
During the second wave, many community based organizations had expressed the challenges in accessing authentic information on testing, Covid 19 vaccines and other treatments. They also shared the difficulties in addressing hesitancy for vaccinations and the mis-information on the same.
During the past year, Sama organized several orientations/interactions on COVID, Covid home care, diagnostics, treatment, vaccination and hesitancy, preparedness for future pandemic surges, strategies for prevention, treatment, etc., for grassroots organizations and women’s groups across many states. The orientations were conducted by Dr. Yogesh Jain, a Public Health physician, involved in community health programmes in rural and tribal areas of the state of Chhattisgarhfor for over 25 years. These sessions not only provided authentic and reliable information on various aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic among local level activists and health workers, they also helped in building their confidence in working with their respective communities and addressing the challenges of the situation.
On request of several such rural, community based organizations, we are organizing another virtual session on preparedness and care in rural areas in the context of the third wave of the pandemic and Omicron variant.
Date and time: 21st January 2022, from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm
The session will be conducted by Dr. Yogesh Jain in Hindi.
Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 5500 3207
Passcode: 161689