We are happy to share the following materials developed towards amplifying the voices of women, activists, and community health workers demanding access to safe abortion services, particularly from marginalised communities. As part of Sama’s initiative on access to safe abortion, these voices have emerged and got strengthened during the various training sessions with CBOs and networks, CHWs, and women leaders in Chhattisgarh. These materials have been developed drawing upon the various discussions during the training workshops and follow up meetings.
GIF (graphic) material on Abortion rights

The GIF reiterates the demands to recognise abortion as a right and as an essential health service; access to which should not be restricted or curtailed under any circumstances including the contexts such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sticker/poster: ‘Reproductive health rights, Now!’

This sticker/poster highlights the discussions with activists, CHWs in Chhattisgarh around delays, systemic barriers being faced by tribal and other marginalized women at varied levels-including the government policies that limits their access to reproductive health services.
These materials are being used currently by CHWs and CBOs in Chhattisgarh through ongoing meetings/training and with marginalised communities; through institutional spaces such as village health committees, VHSNCs, and block and district level meetings, for advancing safe abortion access and reproductive health rights discussions at the community level.

For further dissemination and use, Sama is also sharing these materials with various groups, networks, and health rights activists in other states such as Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc.
Please feel free to save, download, and share with others in your network/organizations.
Download GIF and poster
Hindi FAQ booklet on abortion rights | गर्भसमापन का अधिकार-सामान्य रूप से पूछे जाने वाले सवाल व उनके जवाब

This booklet has been prepared as a knowledge-information material on abortion rights, to be primarily used by activists, community leaders, women leaders, community health workers for updating their own understanding and facts, or referring to provisions of the MTP (medical termination of pregnancy) law, towards advancing community level discussions and awareness in their fields of work, to contend with abortion related stigmas.
Initially during the initiative, issues around lack of access to knowledge resources on abortion, questions around its legality, etc., emerged as concerns at the community level. Discussions with activists, CHWs in Chhattisgarh led to the further planning of this material development. Some of the basic questions, clarifications vis-a-vis abortion rights that emerged during workshop discussions with participants have been incorporated into this material, along with other necessary information collated on the issue.
The booklet contains some information specific to the context of Chhattisgarh (where it has been stated so); otherwise it can be referred to by the activists, CHWs working in other states/locations as well.
View / Download pdf – Hindi FAQ booklet on abortion rights
Do reach out to Sama for any query/clarifications in this regard:
[email protected]