Sama along with CEHAT and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Safdarjung Hospital organized a national course for Doctors and others working with survivors of sexual assault on 1- 2 October, 2011. The objectives of the course were to equip health care providers in understanding different forms of sexual violence, laws related to sexual assault, their role in responding to needs of survivors, their legal role as medical practitioners and processes of taking informed consent, history taking, examination, documentation, evidence collection, providing provisional or final opinion, preparing for court trials, standard operating procedures for ensuring comprehensive healthcare response to sexual assault survivors.
The course was attended by participants from government and non government organizations, and hospitals involved in responding to sexual assault survivors, from the states of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Around 35 health care providers, counsellors took part in the workshop. The workshop also saw participation from the Rape Crisis Cell of the Delhi Commission of Women (DCW).