Gender Based Violence: A Public Health Issue

Gender Based Violence (GBV) can have physical and psychological health implications which can be immediate as well as long term. Health system is often the first point of contact for survivors of violence; besides survivors come in contact with health facilities and providers at some point in their lives. Thus health care facilities and providers assume an important role in addressing the health consequences of violence through provision of treatment and care, performing medico‐legal role as well as in prevention of violence. We believe that this potential role in preventing and addressing GBV at different levels of the health system can be achieved through wide ranging and multi-sectoral deliberations. We have been working towards recognising gender based violence as a public health issue and strengthening health sector response to the survivors.

We have been engaging with various stakeholders including the Community Based Organisations, Sangathans, coalitions, like minded individuals and organisations, Health facilities at different levels- primary, secondary, tertiary, healthcare providers including doctors and nurses, community health workers, associations like AOGD (Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi), FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India) lawyers, protection officers etc. Our engagement has been able to facilitate insights, learning and linkages with multiple stakeholders in Delhi as well as in other states.

Health without violence: Comprehensive response to GBV

We began this new year (2025) with organising a Short Course for healthcare providers on ‘Addressing Gender-based Violence as a Public Health Issue’. This was organised as a residential programme in Bhopal from January 6th to 10th in which 15 participants joined us from 10 different states. This marks a significant milestone in our efforts, as Sama has dedicated more than a decade and a half to advancing the recognition of gender-based violence (GBV) as a critical public health issue. Continue reading

Multiple Patriarchies, Collective Struggles: Gender Justice, Laws and Perspectives

We are organising another sharing space on ‘Multiple Patriarchies, Collective Struggles: Gender Justice, Laws and Perspectives’ with prominent human rights lawyer and legal research expert Mangla Verma as the speaker at 3:00 PM on 12 March 2025. हम ‘अनेक पितृसत्ता, एकत्रित संघर्ष: जेंडर न्याय, कानून और परिप्रेक्ष्य’पर एक और साझा सत्र का आयोजन कर रही है 12 मार्च 2025 को दोपहर 3:oo बजे । इस सत्र में, हम एक प्रमुख मानवाधिकार वकील और कानूनी शोध विशेषज्ञ मंगला वर्मा से सुनेंगे । Continue reading

Multiple Patriarchies, Collectivised Struggles: An online session

On the eve of this 8th March, International Women’s Day 2025, we are organising a sharing space on “Multiple Patriarchies, Collectivised Struggles.” In this online session, Dr. Ayshwarya will share with us her perspectives on gender, sexuality, violence, and sexual and reproductive health rights. इस 8 मार्च, अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस 2025 की पूर्व संध्या पर हम “अनेक पितृसत्ता, एकत्रित संघर्ष”- एक साझा सत्र का आयोजन कर रहे हैं। यहाँ हम डॉक्टर ऐश्वर्या से जेंडर, यौनिकता, हिंसा और यौन व प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य अधिकारों पर उनके दृष्टिकोण के बारे में सुनेंगे। Continue reading

Shifting Perspectives: Recognising GBV as a Public Health Issue

Over the years, frontline workers, community members, friends, and leaders who have participated in our workshops and short courses on gender-based violence (GBV) have developed deep reflections and strong commitments to the issue and its survivors. These insights have emerged through their sustained engagement with GBV from a feminist and gender justice perspective. Here is a glimpse of some of the most significant reflections. Continue reading