Round Table on Sickle Cell Disease: Some Photographs

Sama organised a one-day round table on 2nd July 2024 in Delhi, titled “Interrogating Sickle Cell Disease as a Public Health and Reproductive Justice Issue,” to deliberate on some critical issues on sickle cell disease (SCD) and share experiences from its field visits to Chhattisgarh for guidance on its future work on SCD. Here are some photographs of the round table. Continue reading

Seminar on New Vaccines 2016

Sama co-organised a seminar New Vaccines: Why, Which, When in Delhi on 20-21 October 2016. The Seminar was envisaged as a dialogue between scientists, doctors, policy makers and members of the civil society. The co-organisers of the seminar included Jan Swasthya Sahyog,… Continue reading